ABBEY ROAD 60s DRUMS provides astonishingly authentic sound as well as deep and detailed control. Everything you need to get the sound you want – from vintage to modern – is clearly laid-out in three control pages: Drums, Mixer, and Options. For that extra touch of realism, the parameters of volume, velocity, time, pitch, and EQ may be randomized. In addition, the ‘Exclude Direct Mics’ option allows the samples of the direct mics to be excluded from the randomization parameters. This lets you impart your drums tracks with subtle, nuances that avoid sounding automatically "randomized".
On the Drum Page’s top panel you can individually adjust the tuning, volume envelope, and overhead and room microphone mixes for each drum. The kick drum has additional controls for adjusting the balance between microphones inside and outside the drum. Similarly, for the snare you can adjust the balance between the snare top and snare bottom microphones.
The bottom panel lets you select articulations for the selected drum. For example, selecting the snare drum will give an articulation menu showing the different types of snare hits such as center, halfway, rimshot, flam, roll and others. Each articulation has its own volume envelope, with knobs for ‘Attack’, ‘Hold’, and ‘Decay’. One popular drum recording technique of the 1960s was to cover the snare and toms with tea towels, so samples of this technique are also included. In addition, each articulation can be assigned to a MIDI note, allowing you to fully customize your kit mapping.
The Mixer Page is where you can control the levels of the various microphones. You’ll also find the panning, output routing and solo/mute controls here. On the left side are the direct microphone channels with the overhead and room microphones on the right. The buttons ‘Drums’ and ‘Percussion’ at the top right switch the direct mic controls from the regular drums (kick, snare, hi-hat and toms) to the percussion instruments (tambourine, claps and stick hits).
The Options Page includes various parameters that let you fine tune the sound of Abbey Road 60s Drums and breathe life into your drum tracks. Not only can you make comprehensive adjustments to MIDI velocity curves and playing ranges you can also adjust the volume of the snare bottom microphone bleed – a common sound in acoustic drum recordings.
- Over 29,000 samples
- 24-bit, 44.1 kHz samples
- 6.3 GB library size, using the new KONTAKT 4 sample compression (14.0 GB uncompressed!)
- Up to 30 velocity layers for a single articulation
- Up to 6 variations of drum hits at the same velocity for added realism
- Separate vintage and modern mic samples for direct, overhead mono, overhead stereo
- Two snare options for each kit
- Separate Right and Left hand samples for the most common Snare, Tom, and Hihat articulations
- Snare Top/Bottom and Kick In/Out samples
- Optional snare bleed samples for many drums
Size 6.26 GB
Format: Kontakt